Series Extended

Post date: Mar 13, 2017 1:10:35 AM

Presentations of God's Good News form the Bible will continue another week in the Kensington-Cedar Cottage neighbourhood.  As they have for the last 3 weeks, Leslie Craig, from Northern Ireland, and Jonathan Procopio, from New Brunswick, will present each evening.  Jesus Christ is central to our message which is the Gospel (“good news”).  Not only were His life and teachings unique, but by His death, burial and resurrection our sins can be forgiven, giving us present peace with God and the assurance of an eternal home in Heaven.

ADDRESS:  4659 Victoria Dr., Vancouver

DATES:  February 19th - March 10th 17th

TIME:  7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday-Friday (half-hour earlier on Sundays)

ADMISSION:  FREE (and no collection will be taken)

Each presentation is unique and complete.  You may attend as many as you wish or as few as you are able.  This series of messages from the Bible is suited for all ages.